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Blow Cycles

    Rental and sale of electrically-assisted bicycles adapted to the forest, accessible to all (comfortable, high assistance and autonomy).
    • Accueil vélo
      Crédits photos : Blow Cycles
      Blow cycles
      Gare de Fontainebleau-Avon - Place de la gare
      77210 Avon
      A partner of the tourist office, Blow Cycle won the Sustainable Tourism Prize in the Entrepreneurial Talent Competition organized by the Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays de Fontainebleau.

      Helmet and Fontainebleau forest map supplied.
      Accessible from 1m40/45.
      Activities: Team buiding/Incentive

      Reservations: online by e-mail, or by phone


      Prix : 39 € la demi-journée – 59 € la journée

      Age minimum: 12 ans.

      Prestations, conforts et services

      • Langues parlées :
        • English
        • French
      • Parking nearby
      • Bike hire
      • Mountainbike hire
      • Battery assisted bike rental
      • Battery assisted mountain bike rental
      • Fat Bike Rental

      Périodes d'ouverture

      From 01/01 to 31/12.
      Closed Tuesday and Thursday.

      Twitter-X-White-Logo-PNG copie