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Ecole militaire d'équitation

    Located in the Carrousel quarter, the French Riding Academy (EME) is home to more than five centuries of equestrian and military tradition.
      Crédits photos : CNSDCSEMChlorofilm productions
      Ecole Militaire d'Equitation
      Allée de Maintenon
      77300 Fontainebleau
      Epicenter of the equestrian military sports and great formation school. It is composed of a hundred of men and women and 200 horses. It welcomes young soldiers who wish to have a career in the horse-riding field and distinguishes itself in the high level contests.

      As the first step in a comprehensive renovation, the Sénarmont riding arena has regained its external splendour. This historic building has the particularity and richness to still have the same function as in the 19th century: an equestrian working area. The interior of the riding arena should also return to its former glory by 2022. Indeed, an interior renovation project in which the reconstruction of a stand opposite to the existing one would be integrated would allow the original design of the merry-go-round to be restored.

      Prestations, conforts et services

      • Langues parlées :
        • French

      Périodes d'ouverture

      From 01/01 to 31/12.
      Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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